Saturday, May 3, 2014

Well, I'm clearly awesome at blogging.

According to blogger, my last post was almost a year ago to the day.

Well, shit.

I'll do a quick recap of last year's events I guess.

-Got promoted.
-Got a cat. His name is Roscoe, he'll be a year old in like a month or so. He's adorable, but he's also evil.
-The fam came to visit! Like, the whole fam! Crammed them all in my tiny ass apartment. It was neat.
-Moved to Oakland! Actually love it, won't lie.
-Went to Michigan in January, where it was still like -20. Made me appreciate my winter much more.
-Turned 24. Joined a gym.
-Realized I absolutely HATE school and what I'm studying. Seriously considering trying to convert credits to an AA and taking time off.
-Emergency flight to Wisconsin. Got food poisoning.
-Decided I want to do roller derby for real. Got skates. Trying to get into a fresh meat program, but it's harder to get ahold of them than I thought it'd be? Iono.

So, that's pretty much it.

I'll do a more thorough update hopefully in a bit.

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